Kenneth Vercammen & Associates, P.C.
2053 Woodbridge Avenue - Edison, NJ 08817
(732) 572-0500
Kenneth Vercammen was included in the “Super Lawyers” list published by Thomson Reuters

Thursday, January 26, 2012

State v. Roy Friedman (066332; A-18/19-10)

State v. Roy Friedman (066332; A-18/19-10) 
          When a defendant has been sentenced to consecutive           custodial terms under NERA, the periods of parole           supervision that follow must be served consecutively.           There is no need to determine whether Hess applies           here because the trial court recognized its inherent           sentencing authority, engaged in its own Yarbough           analysis, and did not abuse its discretion in           concluding that it was appropriate to impose           consecutive sentences for three separate assaults           defendant admitted committing upon his wife during           three separate periods of time.  1-24-12